Quiet Aid: Service and Salvation in the Balkans-to-Bengal Complex is a collaborative research project that studies the nexus between modern aid and longstanding Islamic concerns across societies in Central Asia, South Asia and West Asia.
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Quiet Aid spans over a five-year period (2022-27) and is based at the Geneva Graduate Institute (Department of Anthropology & Sociology and Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy). The team conducts ethnographic and historical research in locations from Serbia to Bangladesh with the central aim of rethinking aid through practices of service and doing good.

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#9 Recent Debates in the Anthropology of Humanitarianism
“Every Person Counts: The Problem of Scale in Everyday Humanitarianism,” by Anne-Meike Fechter.“ “Afterword: Humanitarianism, Between Situated Universality and Interventional…
Diasporas of Empire: Ismaili Networks and Pamiri Migration
by Till Mostowlansky In this chapter, based on ethnographic and historical research, I explore the coming together of post-Cold War…
Islam’s Weight in Global History
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#8 The Need to Help
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